The first annual student reesrach conference, Global health challanges: Diseases of modern life, was organized by University of Szeged (Hungary) on 28th to 30th September in collaboration with other universities of European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH).

The conference had 9 sessions with 54 oral presentations and 24 eceltronic posters of different disciplines highlightig the main fields of the science. The conference was held on a virtual platform which was very interactive and created possibility of sharing research, innovations, ideas, questions and collaborative endeavors with the participating member universities; Ludwig-Maximilians University (Munich, Germany), Lund University (Sweden), University of Porto (Portugal) and University Paris-Saclay (Paris, France). 5 PhD students from Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Regulatory Affairs, Faculty of Pharmacy (University of Szeged) actively participated in the oral sessions and poster presentations.

Oral presentations:

  • Hussein Akel
    SLNs VS PBNs in Nose-to-Brain Delivery of a Model Drug of Alzheimer’s Disease in session of ageing and dementia as a global health challenge.  Supervisor: Dr. Csóka Ildikó
  • Mahwash Mukhtar
    Fabrication of isoniazid loaded chitosan / thiolated chitosan and hyaluronic acid hybrid nanoplex DPIs as a potential TB treatment: Aerodynamic properties and in silico deposition in lungs in in session of non-communicable and pandemic diseases.
    Supervisor: Dr. Ambrus Rita
  • Fakhara Sabir
    Steps toward the treatment of glioblastoma with coated liposomes: n-propylgallate containing hyaluronic acid stabilized product developed by means of QbD methodology in session of cancer screening and care, antimicrobial resistance.
    Supervisor: Dr. Csóka Ildikó
  • Yasmin Ranjous
    Investigation of physical properties, toxicity and permeability of functionalized titanate nanotubes as novel vectors for drug delivery in session of global health: miscellaneous challenges.
    Supervisor: Dr. Sovány Tamás, Dr. Kónya Zoltán, Dr. Regdon Géza jr.

Poster presentations:

  • Yousif Ibrahim
    Effect of Plasticizer Type and Quantity on the Properties of Oral Chitosan Films,  Supervisor: Regdon Géza jr., Dr. Kristó Katalin, Dr. Sovány Tamás
  • Petra Party
    Development of nanonized dry powder inhalers to treat different respiratory diseases
    Supervisor: Dr. Ambrus Rita
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