International hybrid conference at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmaceuticals Regulatory Affairs
The IV. Symposium of Young Researchers on Pharmaceutical Technology, Biotechnology and Regulatory Science was organized by the Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Regulatory Affairs (GYTFI), University of Szeged on January 19-21, 2022. The event was an unbroken success, with 47 young researchers from 13 universities in 12 countries presenting their findings during the three-day program. The symposium was organized in a hybrid way, with the possibility to participate both in face-to-face and online.
The symposium was opened by Prof. Dr. Ildikó Csóka (Head of GYTFI and President of the Symposium), Prof. Dr. Piroska Szabó-Révész (Head of the Scientific Committee), Dr. Péter Mezei (Director of the Doctoral Institute, University of Szeged), Prof. Dr. István Zupkó (Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy) and Prof. Dr. Zsolt Szakonyi (Secretary general of the Doctoral School of Pharmaceutical Sciences). In the plenary session, Dr. Krisztián Fodor, Head of Regulatory Science and Patient Safety at Gedeon Richter Plc. presented a topic related to pharmaceutical regulatory affairs, while Dr. Senka Vidović, Associate Professor at University of Novi Sad, presented a topic related to pharmaceutical technology. During the three days a total amount of 47 young researchers presented in 11 sessions. The symposium contained 32 oral presentations and 15 flash presentations. Building of professional networks and friendships continued during the evening programs. Following the hybrid format of the event, one evening was dedicated to face-to-face networking and the other to an online game.
The speakers and section chairs represented the following universities:
• Charles University - Czech Republic
• Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf - Germany
• Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca - Romania
• Medical University of Gdansk - Poland
• Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad - Pakistan
• University of Belgrade - Serbia
• University of Ljubljana - Slovenia
• University of Plovdiv - Bulgaria
• University of Santiago De Compostella - Spain
• University of Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina
• University of Szeged - Hungary
• University of Tartu - Estonia
• University Novi Sad - Serbia
During the event, meals and refreshments were provided for the participants by SZOTE Ételbár Ltd. with the support of Richter Gedeon Plc.
The Book of Abstracts is available at the following link: