Élménybeszámoló az Erasmus program keretén belül
Bianca Maria Gaudio Olaszországból a University of Pavia egyetemről látogatott intézetünkbe az Erasmus+ program keretén belül 2023. január 16.-június 16. között. Kutató munkáját Dr. Ambrus Rita egyetemi docens irányítása alatt végezte. Az itt töltött félév során számolt be élményeiről, kutatási tapasztalatiról és eredményeiről.
About the Experience
The background
I was a student at the University of Pavia from 2016 to 2022, with a degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology. My choice to undertake this path matured over the course of the last few months of writing my thesis, quite simply, by gradually reading numerous scientifiic articles to be included in the bibliography and realizing how stimulating it was to have in my hands the papers of researchers from all over the world for whom there are no language barriers. My Erasmus+ Traineeship experience was a choice dictated by many considerations, but above all there was the desire to get out of the comfort zone to set the 'bar' of my skills at a higher level than the starting one, as I am convinced that this is the only tool to be able to improve oneself: this was however done thanks to the support provided by my reference teachers in Italy in whose laboratory I carried out the research work concerning the preparation of the thesis. I find that the address provided by the teachers has been decisive in allowing me to enter a research context, which is the University of Szeged (Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Regulatory Affairs, Faculty of Pharmacy), which I can a rm has been decisive as a 'springboard' for future contexts in many respects. As soon as I arrived, I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the three days of the fourth Symposium of young researchers in pharmaceutical technology, a great opportunity to get in touch with many doctoral students from eleven di erent countries and share their research work. I was then placed in a working environment largely based on the Pharmaceutical Technological context where I was able not only to deepen knowledge already acquired, but to add techniques and theory never explored before.
Social and travels
Alongside the skills and knowledge acquired in the technological-work context, this experience put me in contact with other young researchers and students from all over the world, allowing for very valuable and enriching exchanges of ideas and information. I’m sure that the establishment of this social network, which has resulted in many cases in real friendships, represents the true heart of my Erasmus+ traineeship. In this context, the events in Szeged and short trips around the country organized by the group of ESN volunteers were instrumental in cultivating relationships with other students and getting to know the many customs, traditions and beauties of the host country. Hungary also makes for a great connection to explore! During the weekends it was possible to quickly reach not only the surroundings and Budapest, but also beautiful capitals such as Subotica, Vienna, Bratislava and Berlin as the .connections are very good.
The Project
Working in the lab
The road and the fiirst steps to be taken were defiined with Professor Rita Ambrus: under her guidance and advice we fiirst of all defiined the ultimate goal of the work, arriving at the idea of building a library of compounds in the solid form of ciproflloxacin, obtained with different excipients and techniques, in order to identify the best combination among them suitable for pulmonary administration, through a trial and error process thanks to which we discarded methods that did not seem promising.
All the research and experimentation work took place with the constant support of the laboratory technicians, extremely knowledgeable about the functioning of the instruments and also thanks to which it was possible to make a fiirst 'rational' of the acquired results.
In support of this fiirst step, when necessary, the PhD students provided additional help in interpreting the data and the methods to follow. The collaborative work can be summarized:
To conclude
Summing up my experience there is no aspect, both social and practical for which I am not extremely grateful and satisfiied in the context of the Nanotechnologic research group for the indisputable skills, listening, the kindness of every single member, and the great opportunities I have been given to learn and explore. I would recommend it without a doubt..viszlát és köszönök mindent!