Újabb hallgatót fogadtunk az Erasmus+ program keretén belül
Ângela Inês Pinheiro Guimarães Portugáliából a University of Porto egyetemről látogatott intézetünkbe a Eugloh- Erasmus+ program keretén belül 2023. február-július között. Kutatómunkáját, szakdolgozatának megírását Dr. Ambrus Rita egyetemi docens irányítása alatt végezte. Az itt töltött félév során számolt be élményeiről, kutatási tapasztalatiról és eredményeiről.
"Hi, I'm -University of Porto. I'm from Portugaland I was doing my master's thesis at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Regulatory Affairs at the University of Szeged. It all started when I saw the possibility of this internship in an area that had interested me for some time and in Hungary, a country that many of my friends spoke very good aboutandbecause of this I wassocurious to visit. So I combined the useful with the pleasant and embarked on the experience of living in Szeged for five months.
When I got here I was surprised by the number of cultures living in this city. I had never been in contact with people from other continents and with lifestylessodifferent from European life. So,I got to know and learn a lot about the customs of these people and I thank them for their kindness and friendliness.
As for Hungary, I had the opportunity to experience the typical Mohács Carnival, which I found very funny. I was also able to try thecuisinethatI really enjoyed. One of the things I liked most was the thermal baths, which are affordable and where you can really spend a good few hours.
Regarding the Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Regulatory Affairs at the University of Szeged , the place where I did my internship, I can say that the work I did was interesting. I was in a well-equipped laboratory where I applied many characterisation techniques that will be very useful in my professional future and, of course, I was very well receivedand accompanied by the people in the laboratory who were always friendly and helpful.
It's only been five months, which have gone by quickly, with lots of partying and new people, but now that I'm back home I feel grateful to have had this experience of living in and getting to know Hungary. I know that one day I will return to visit Szegedand Hungary again and I can only thank all the people I metbut, in particular,I would like to thank Professor Rita Ambrus for welcoming me, guiding my thesis and for always being so nice to me. I wish the Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Regulatory Affairs at the University of Szeged the best success."